Sunday, January 17, 2010


Anyone who has lived in California, and specifically the Coachella Valley, for any length of time should be well aware of the fact that this is earthquake county. USGS has been warning us that the southern portion of the San Andreas fault is over due for a serious slip, and recent world wide activity is making some of us a little nervous about this.
As emergency preparedness specialist for the ward, it is my job to get the word out and help organize efforts to prepare. The stake president specifically directed us to nag everyone to get ready.
As we start this new year, I'm taking advantage of the technology to help spread the word and share information. I'm hoping this will help me get more resources out there for folks who are serious about getting ready.
The most important point I'd like to make right now is that we need to take this serious. Maybe it won't be an earthquake, or a terroist attack, or some catastrophic event -- but every family is due for hard times in some way or another. Using the scenerio of an earthquake is a great way to motivate ourselves to prepare -- and then whenever that personal or family event happens you'll be ready.

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